Hedge Fund Due Diligence Software

As a hedge fund due diligence manager, your role is not only to identify winning alternative vehicles, but also to ensure a comprehensive qualitative and quantitative assessment of suggested investments. Risk Shell Due Diligence line can provide you with the tools and data you need to make an informed decision and take into account various risks involved. All editions include Advanced training & tutorial courses. The Ultimate line also offers an unlimited report customization on-demand.

Designed For Hedge Funds And Alternative Investments

  • Improve your due diligence workflow by integrating due diligence and analytical frameworks
  • Identify best performing vehicles across all asset classes
  • Compare managers against their peers
  • Rate managers in a group using your custom defined criteria
  • Create unlimited manager groups with similar quantitative or qualitative properties

Quantitative And Qualitative Due Diligence Tools

  • Seamless integration of the due diligence and analytical components
  • All editions include Advanced training & tutorial courses
  • Unlimited report customization on-demand for the Risk Shell Ultimate editions
  • Integrated industry-standard and user-defined due diligence questionnaires
  • Custom user-defined data fields
  • Due diligence status flags

    All-in-one Platform

    Risk Shell covers all angles of a sophisticated investment process



    The 3rd generation of risk analytics polished over 15 years and developed by seasoned investment professionals.


    Development on-demand

    Free unlimited custom development for all Risk Shell Ultimate editions.


    Hundreds of satisfied customers

    Proven and reliable customer support. Tailored training & tutorial programs.


About Us

ABC Quant is a specialist provider of risk management and investment solutions for the hedge fund industry. Founded in 2005 by Dr. Andrew Grauberg, a recognized expert in alternative investments, Quant's mission is to provide the tools, services and methodology satisfying alternative investment professionals around the globe. Our goal is to leverage our long-standing expertise across all the corners of the hedge fund industry into the proven data-driven solutions meeting our clients' investment needs. Combining the latest studies in the hedge fund valuation areas with the practitioners' insights we offer the complete range of solutions for hedge fund investors. These solutions include risk management applications, asset allocation tools, portfolio, optimization components and due diligence frameworks. ABC Quant consists of a team of quantitative analysts, software developers, data warehousing and investment research specialists. With offices and representatives in the US, Canada, Australia, Switzerland, Japan and the UK, Quant has established long-term relationships with leading institutions world-wide. Quant Suite, our flagship product launched in 2007, presents the advanced analytical fund of funds software platform serving as the basis for hedge fund risk assessment and multi-manager portfolio composition. The latest generation of the Quant Suite line offers access to over 22,000 alternative investment vehicles, includes daily data updating and compatible with the main hedge fund data providers. Offering the most sophisticated risk valuation models available today, Quant Suite encompasses tools for hedge fund risk assessment, dynamic style analysis, non-linear portfolio optimization, multi factor peer group analysis and many more. The hedge fund industry is still in its early stage. It is full of irregularities, assessment biases and methodology complications. At Quant Risk Group, we are extremely passionate about what we do enhancing market intelligence and helping investors to create more robust yet less risky products..


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