Software For Fund Of Funds And Multi-Manager Funds

As a hedge fund of funds manager, you need a complete set of tools to cover all the angles of a sophisticated investment framework - from screening and evaluating underlying managers to constructing robust hedge fund portfolios capable to compete with the best performing funds. Often, your role involves multiple responsibilities - a due diligence manager, a portfolio manager, an operating officer and so on. Risk Shell delivers a complete set of software solutions to provide the best fit for your firm yet to cover all the aspects of your investment process:

  • Risk Management and Portfolio Management
  • CRM, Document Manager and Due Diligence Tools
  • Accounting Software
  • Portfolio Construction and Optimization

Risk Management And Portfolio Construction Designed For Hedge Fund Investors

  • Most advanced risk analytics for hedge funds and alternative investments
  • The largest coverage of alternative investment data
  • Flexible modular configuration to fit any organizational structure
  • All Ultimate editions include unlimited custom development on-demand and Expert training & tutorial courses
  • Unlimited report customization
  • Ultimate II & III editions include in-house custom database integration

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