Risk Shell Releases in 2019 Featured

  • DATE 17/01/2020

In 2019, we rolled out 24 Risk Shell releases, incorporating key developments like accounting audit, private equity databases, improved reporting portal, and various other crucial features

Release 8.1124.2, December 09 2019

  • Improved Report Builder Functionality (RBLD ver. 1.9.5), added the following options & widgets:
    • Tables->Risk Profile (Risk Profile 2, Risk Profile 3): Added Common time period widget to select the common time period of selected funds & benchmarks automatically.
    • Tables: Added the tables style selector to override the default table HTML style.
    • Tables->Performance: Added a right border after the YTD column to separate optional annual statistics.

Release 8.1121.1, December 02 2019

  • NEW! Assigned Benchmark Order Selector to change the order of rendered benchmarks in charts and output statistic tables. To change the order of benchmarks, assign benchmarks to a fund, then drag them up or down as needed and click "update order".
  • Improved Report Builder Functionality (RBLD ver. 1.9.4), added the following options & widgets:
    • Charts->Rolling Charts: added Benchmark scope widget, to select either selected benchmarks (Research->Benchmarks) or fund-assigned benchmarks.
    • Added number rounding in RBLD tables, to include trailing zeros.

Release 8.1119.3, November 24 2019

  • Improved Report Builder Functionality (RBLD ver. 1.9.3), added the following options & widgets:
    • Text content: new custom descriptive blocks 2x4 and 4x4 (columns x rows).
    • Charts: base benchmark scope selection for Up/Down Market Returns and Market Capture Charts:
      • Base->All (default) calculates up/down market returns and market capture values for all selected assets against the benchmark base set up in Search Options.
      • Selected->Bmrks calculates up/down market returns and market capture values for a selected assets against all selected benchmarks.
    • Tables-> Risk Profile 2: added the option to group assets across assigned benchmarks:
      • No Bmrk Groups.
      • Group by World - group by world indices or macroeconomic factors,
      • Group by HFI - group by hedge fund indices
    • Tables->Risk Profile 2: Added the option to include additional Over/Under values for a selected asset vs. benchmarks.
    • Tables->Risk Profile: added Max Drawdown parameters (MaxDD Length, MaxDD Depth, MaxDD Recovery, MaxDD Peak, MaxDD Valley).
    • Added new output landscape formats.

Release 8.1117.1, November 13 2019

  • Improved RBLD Functionality: the system will not allow updating empty RBLD templates. This scenario may happen if a user manually reloads the frame of the RBLD template in Research and clicks the Update button by incident.

Release 8.1115.3, November 07 2019

  • Added More Rolling Statistics: Annualized RoR and Cumulative Return, applicable to both Research and RBLD components.
  • Fixed the issue with the reserved "AG" words (grid aggregates) when exporting grids to Excel.

Release 8.1113.1, November 04 2019

  • Added Incomplete Interval Settings: Disabled, NA and Blank. Statistics for time series of incomplete intervals can now be marked as NA or Blank. Incomplete intervals are time series intervals with non-existing returns at the start and/or end points.
  • Improved Interval Selection Functionality, added the following options:
    • Trailing (Output Statistics) + Custom Interval (Search Options): makes the end point of all trailing intervals match the end point of the custom interval.
    • Calendar (Output Statistics) + Custom Interval (Search Options): selects only calendar years within the given custom interval.
  • Added New RBLD Widgets:
    • Charts: Single statistic chart that may include multiple trailing time intervals.
    • Tables: Drawdowns and Risk Profile 4 that includes monthly and annualized statistics.
    • Options: the minimum height of layout blocks.
    • Chart Settings: Column Padding and Full Y-axis. Column Padding defines the distance between columns or groups in column charts. Full Y-axis forces the chart content to occupy all vertical space, i.e. ignoring start and end ticks on the Y-axis.

Release 8.1109.3, October 25 2019

  • Added Time Intervals in Output Statistics: Custom and Inception. The Custom option takes the user-defined Custom time interval (Search Options->Interval->Custom interval). The Inception option takes all available returns since the inception.

Release 8.1106.2, September 18 2019

  • New Risk Shell Help and Interactive Simulators supporting the HTML5 standard. Click Help (no flash) to access the HTML5 version. The old Flash-based legacy help portal is still available, but will be disabled in December 2019.

Release 8.1103.1, September 11 2019

  • Added New Databases: traditional OEF Africa (7,634 funds) and OEF Latin America (21,681 funds).

Release 8.1099.3, August 27 2019

  • Improved Report Builder Functionality, added the following options:
    • Benchmark-linked statistics for Risk Profile and Performance tables. When selected, the Benchmark Base specified in Search Options will be used.
    • Show/hide return series for Performance tables.

Release 8.1098.1, August 08 2019

  • NEW! FoF Manager Transaction Audit that offers the following functionality:
    • Compare transaction saved images between two dates (added, deleted and modified transactions).
    • Monitor end-users who changed transactions between two dates (added, deleted and modified transactions).

Release 8.1095.2, July 29 2019

  • NEW! RBLD for FoF Manager that extends RBLD for shadow accounting.
  • Added New RBLD Accounting Widgets:
    • Charts: Strategy-substrategy/Strategy/Substrategy breakdowns, DSA Strategy FoF, Strategy P/L, Liquidity: portfolio, Liquidity: selected funds, A/C value: subscriber/class, Cumulative FoF a/c.
    • Tables: Subscriber valuation, Liquidity: portfolio, Liquidity: selected funds, Transactions: subscriber/class, Performance: class.
    • Text: Subscriber info, Subscriber name.

Release 8.1089.3, July 11 2019

  • Improved FoF Manager Master-Feeder Functionality:
    • Added new transaction types: 'Redemption Master', 'Subscription Master' and 'Master<>Feeder'.
    • Auto synchronization of mirror transactions for master and feeder funds.
    • Added a new subscriber class 'Feeder', which links feeder funds to their linked master funds.

Release 8.1086.1, June 14 2019

  • New Search Option: Group by Manager that returns only instruments of unique management companies or general partners.

Release 8.1083.2, May 29 2019

  • NEW! Money Market Database added. To enable, select Workspaces->Databases->Special->Money Market.

Release 8.1081.3, May 22 2019

  • Improved Report Builder Functionality, added the following options & widgets:
    • Selectable benchmark category: World or HF Indices. Applicable to Rolling, Up/Down Return and Up/Down Market Capture charts.
    • Selectable benchmark number for multiple benchmarks. Applicable to Rolling, Up/Down Return and Up/Down Market Capture charts.

Release 8.1079.3, May 07 2019

  • NEW! Single-to-Multiple and Multiple-to-Single Rolling Chart Modes. The old Single-to-Multiple mode plots rolling benchmark-linked charts of a selected fund (portfolio) against multiple assets (selected funds and benchmarks). The new Multiple-to-Single mode offers the opposite scenario: plotting rolling charts of multiple selected assets against a single benchmark. In Research, open Options->Rolling Charts to select a rolling chart mode. in RBLD, the rolling mode is selectable in Charts->Rolling.

Release 8.1076.2, April 30 2019

  • NEW! Variable Risk-Free Interest Rates linked to major interbank interest rate indices (LIBOR, Interbank) across multiple currencies. Open Options->Risk-free rate to select fixed or linked RFR.

Release 8.1074.3, April 19 2019

  • NEW! Search Filter Status Window that shows currently active search filters. You may also deactivate search filters directly in the Status Window by selecting active filters and clicking Delete.

Release 8.1071.1, April 15 2019

  • Improved Report Builder Functionality, added the following options & widgets:
    • Multiple fund names (Text Content).
    • Risk table header options: Editable/Non-editable.

Release 8.1069.2, April 09 2019

  • Improved Report Builder Functionality (RBLD ver. 1.9), added the following options & widgets:
    • Correlation heat map selection scope. Now you can select either all wallet funds or selected funds for cross-correlations.
    • Chart left margin (Chart Settings).
    • Performance table (multi). This table aggregates RoR performance data of selected assets into a single table. By setting a maximum number of assets in a given table you can create several performance tables in a single page or across multiple pages. For multiple performance tables, each consequent table will continue the previous table.
    • Second table header style options: font color, background color and row height. The second table header is used for asset names when rendering Performance tables (multi).

Release 8.1067.3, March 26 2019

  • Added Intercept (Alpha) Values for DSA: the multiple regression intercept (alpha) values have been added to DSA charts (the 3rd axis 'alpha') and DSA output tables.

Release 8.1066.1, March 22 2019

  • Improved Time Interval Selection for Peer Group Analysis: if the 'Strict' option is selected together with the 'Since inception' time interval, the common period of returns of selected assets will be used as a strict time interval. All peer group assets with incomplete return series within the strict interval will be eliminated from the peer group.

Release 8.1065.3, March 14 2019

  • Improved Factor Selection for Correlation Analysis: added the option 'Sel' to include only selected factors & benchmarks in correlation analysis. Applicable to Correlation Matrices, Heat Maps and Correlation Tables.
  • Added New RBLD Option to Truncate Fund Names. If the maximum name length is set, names will be truncated either to the maximum length value or to the maximum length of separate words within the set length. This option is available in Chart Settings->Force Long Names and Tables->Risk Profile, Risk Profile 2 and Risk Profile 3.

Release 8.1062.2, March 06 2019

  • Improved Heat Map Functionality: added the option to visualize correlation numbers directly in Heat Maps. To switch it on/off use Options->Chart Styles->Heat Map Numbers. Use Decimal Selector to control the number of decimals.

Release 8.1061.3, March 05 2019

  • NEW! Added Combo Chart Cum+AUM that renders cumulative return and AUM time series graphs on the same chart. Use Charts->Cum+AUM to render these charts.

Release 8.1059.2, February 15 2019

  • Added Unit Prices (NAV) Data for the Morningstar OEF/AFS data sets. If both user-defined and vendor's NAV data available, the system will take the latest available NAV for a given date when calculating portfolio values. To view and export unit prices render price tables using Charts->NAV.

Release 8.1056.3, February 07 2019

  • Added Index Performance Data: rate of return series, cumulative returns and prices. Index performance data is accessible directly from the Indices tab: Charts->RoR, Charts->Cumulative and Charts->Price.
  • Added Truncate Shortest Option in Indices: Indices->Options->Multi-periods->Truncate shortest.

Release 8.1051.1, January 22 2019

  • Added new descriptive fields for Morningstar data sets: Manager's Biography (up to three persons) and Principal's Biography (up to three persons).
  • Improved handling of index name duplicates across different index sets: all indices are being processed on unique index ID.
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More in this category: « Risk Shell Releases in 2020

Risk Shell Components

Risk management and portfolio construction for alternative investments

Asset Selection

Hundreds of quantitative and qualitative filters capable of constructing complex asset search criteria.

Factor Analysis

Multivariate Returns-based and Holdings-based Static & Dynamic Style Analysis to identify granular sources of asset performance.

Stress Testing

Stress assets or portfolios to identify and mitigate potential event risks. Predict impacts of extreme event shocks.

Portfolio Construction

Portfolio construction software for fund of funds: diversification & correlation analysis, risk budgeting and many more.

Peer Group Analysis

Multi-statistic and traditional Box-Plot Peer Group Analysis designed for hedge funds and multi-asset portfolios.


Powerful asset ranking framework that supports user-defined ranking criteria and synthetic risk statistics.


Holdings-Based Analysis of hedge funds and FoF across all asset classes including equities, fixed income etc.

CRM & Document Manager

Document management and due diligence tools for alternative investments and multi-manager funds.

Index Builder

Advanced quantitative framework to create custom benchmarks and factor subsets that ensure the best fit for any asset.

Custom Assets

Tools to create and maintain a virtual database of user-defined assets within the Risk Shell environment.

Portfolio Optimization

Optimization of multi-manager funds, fund of funds and multi-asset portfolios across a broad range of objective functions.

Portfolio What-If

Portfolio What-If Analysis to create and analyze hypothetical portfolios based on actual investment portfolios.

Investment Reporting

Report Builder delivers a flexible SaaS based investment reporting solution designed for fund managers and family offices.

Private Equity

Private equity risk management and portfolio management software, a part of the Risk Shell alternative investment platform.


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